Spring Table Version Two

Spring Table Version Two

I love spring. I love the fresh colors outside, the flush of new growth on shrubs, my day lilies are already up and will be blooming in another month…the Caladiums are up early this year, no real winter to speak of. And the Carolina Wrens have already returned to their usual nesting site in one of my pots. I posted a few days ago about my early spring table, just a pitcher and a bowl of eggs. I want simple. That’s what I said; “Simple.” So why did I suddenly grab some of my collections and pile them on my table?? I have no answer to that. (Well, I do, but you’ll have to keep reading.)


I found some adorable sheep at TJ Maxx while shopping for new towels. I normally don’t do “cutesy.” I gave away most of my cutesy stuff long ago.  (except at Christmas. Christmas cuteness abounds in my home.) The geese and swans, tiny mice, stuffed rag dolls for every season, hearts, you know, the wonderful classic country decor from the 80’s and early 90’s. There is nothing wrong with cute. I’m at a stage in my life where I crave simpler displays of meaningful, more authentic things. I’ve purged. Yes! I have! Don’t roll your eyes when you come into my home and find it loaded with all manner of collections. I know what you’re thinking! “THIS is her home PURGED??” “YIKES.”  Yes, I still have stuff and I love my stuff. There’s truly not as much of it, I say. Mr B says it’s just different stuff. But let me have my little self denial thing, OK?


It was the sheep that started this. I was looking at them and I swear I bought them with the idea of sending one each to my Granddaughters for Easter. Promise. But……(as usual, with me, there is a but).  BUT  they are sooo cute. I’m smitten. Oh boy, any hope of a simple tablescape……escaped. Gone. POOF. First I grabbed my piece of salvaged wood. Then out came some milk glass, then some pressed glass, then some faux fern, and some faux succulents. Then the sheep. Oh my.  They trailed down the table in a little mutton parade.





Then I thought……Hmmm….. what if I used my vintage bottles instead?? So away went the milk glass and out came the vintage bottles. I love those bottles. They are marked with places I’ve lived, or have some family connection. Fort Wayne, Indiana, Terre Haute, Indiana, Tampa, Florida, Bear Springs, Colorado. (I know no one in Bear Springs, Colorado. I just liked that bottle.) Important bottles. But I’m not showing those in this post. I’ll show those tomorrow, or maybe in a couple of days. For now let’s just gaze upon the milk glass and those adorable sheep. I can’t even……….. Wait. I hear Mr B calling friends to come over for an intervention. Is he talking about ME???? I don’t really have a problem with stuff……. do I??? I must grab my collections and run. Leaving no evidence.


Create the home you see in your heart. You deserve a sanctuary. Create one, no matter where you live.





  • Carolyn (Carly) Croft says:

    of course I love it…

  • Linda Mains says:

    #%*£# Damn it, Chris Brown! Now I have to have sheep! And not just any sheep, but little sheep that my TJM probably doesn’t even have! So. When I end up in Florida on a quest for TJM sheep, I hope you’re prepared to put me up for the night and feed me. Not mutton or veal! 🚗😎😉

    • Crystal says:

      I will feed you the best pizza you have ever eaten. That I did not cook. We will drive to every TJM in the Bay area. Prepare to be gone several days since this entails crossing bridges and bays and large bodies of water that are not bays. But.we.will.find.sheep.

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