The Best Ornament Hooks

The Best Ornament Hooks

If you are like me you hate the flimsy ornament hooks we’ve all used for years. I’ve collected ornaments for many years and I almost cry when one falls to the floor and shatters in a million pieces when the hook fails. Plus I’m not a big fan of sweeping up tiny shards of glass. I’m always afraid I’ll miss some and one of the dogs will end up with cut tootsies. So I was filled with joy (yes, I’m easily wowed) when I found a new style hook a couple years ago. They’re decorative and sturdy and hold ornaments securely. Bonus….They hold heavier ornaments without a problem. I like that they add some detail to the tree. They are longer than regular hooks however, so bear that in mind when placing ornies on your tree. Plan to go up one branch so the ornament actually ends up where you want it.

The new design is not only decorative, it’s secure as well

I also use twine to tie any especially fragile or vintage heirlooms on the tree. Green twine for natural trees and either silver or white twist ties or sheer white ribbon for flocked trees. Hide the ends within the tree’s branches. The new hooks have a spiral end, and once on the ornies won’t come off the hook, just make sure the hook end is securely on your branch. I found a different design last year and like these as well, especially for heavier ornaments. These are also longer, and have bulbous ends so that ornies won’t slip off. I found both brass and silver at Target. Both hook designs are also available on Amazon. (What isn’t available on Amazon?) So get the new hooks and feel secure in the knowledge your ornies are safe and your tree has some hook pizazz. And who doesn’t love pizazz?

Bulbous ends mean ornaments won’t fall off






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