Quick and Easy Christmas Project #3

Quick and Easy Christmas Project #3

Third in the “Quick and Easy series. I love banners and garlands. But they can be a bit pricey and may not fit exactly the look I’m going for.  I’m cheap frugal so I decided to make a couple with different themes this year.  This “project” took literally less than 10 minutes and I used what I had on hand. I strung a few large jingle bells on a length of twine. You know I’m not into math and measuring so I just eyeballed the length and cut my twine longer in case my eyeballs were tired or looking at something off in the distance at just the moment I made the cut. (You know this can happen when I get distracted. Which is often). I tied a loop on one end and attached it to a tiny nail previously hammered into the top of my headboard. (You may want to use a small tack or Command Hooks  if your headboard is new, or valuable, or vintage.  Mine is none of these things.)  Once I had the drape/swag that I liked I cut the twine a couple inches longer, made a loop and hung it on the nail at the other end of the head board. I hung a few of my vintage Christmas postcards with mini clothespins and it was done. Quick, easy, cheap , inexpensive. And cute, if I do say so myself.

Vintage postcard, twine, and jingle bell garland


You can also use vintage photos of previous family holidays and glue them to card stock. (Make copies, please don’t use your original photos for this), old Christmas cards, lightweight kids’ toys, doll clothes, tiny Christmas stockings. Anything lightweight that strikes your fancy. Switch it up by using ribbon or heavy duty string instead of twine. For heavier items, braid  lengths of twine (or whatever you’re using) to provide a sturdy garland. I’ll be making another one using the bells and mittens for my laundry room. Fair warning, these can become a bit addicting and before you know it, you’ll have every window, chest, chair and shelf swagged and draped. I take no responsibility for your garland shenanigans.





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