Hygge, pronounce “hoo gah” was the word of the year in 2016! Who knew??? I’d never heard it and I’m always trolling the web for anything design related. I was so fascinated by the concept that I bought a book, The Book of Hygge, by Louisa Thomsen Brits. Catchy and creative title not withstanding, this little book is filled with Hygee wisdom.

I wrote this post in January 2017, where it’s languished in my “future post” file for a over a year. I’ve been seeing Hygee posts from other bloggers lately and remembered I had this one…..why didn’t I publish it last year? Good question, I guess because I got a bit discouraged. Hygee is a Danish word, and is synonymous with cozy, as in fireplace, warm blankets and hot drinks kind of cozy. I live in Florida….. um….. we don’t do cold, so I was thinking I couldn’t do Hygee here…..in the land of swaying palm trees, sea turtles and manatees. And there Hygge sat, forlorn and ignored for all of 2017. Then came my case of “the Januaries,” translated, means I had no energy nor ambition. So Hygee continued to hang out in the no man’s land of future posts.

But this year we got freezing weather! Yes, freezing as in below 32°! Yay! Jeans and sweaters and boots weather. And I hygged my home to the max!

I loaded every chair, the sofas, and our bed with layers of throws, I added more throw pillows, (imagine the happiness on the face of Mr B) I made hot chocolate, I sat by the fire, I wrapped myself up in sweats and read books. There was candlelight and music and movies and friends. Yes, I Hygged the hell out of this Florida winter! Now It’s February and while I’m still a bit ambition challenged, I realized that Florida isn’t the center of the Universe and that most of the country is still experiencing full on winter. So out came the Hygee post, edited to make it relevant for 2018. and my desire to live an Intentional life. Intentional goes with Hygee like marshmallows go with hot chocolate. Like apples and pie. Like……OK, you get it.

So what is Hygee exactly? It’s the Danish art of Contentment, Comfort and Connection. WAIT. It isn’t about winter after all!

I can do contentment in Florida, I can do comfort! I connect! So take that Danish people!! In fact, most of what I preach here on My Suburban Sanctuary is being content where you live now, no matter where that is.

According to Ms. Brits, the definition of Hygee is “a quality of presence and an experience of belonging and togetherness. It is a feeling of being warm, safe, comforted and sheltered.” My blog sentiments exactly. You don’t need cold weather to experience Hygee, well, perhaps cold weather is necessary for a fire in a fireplace….but the rest of it can be accomplished anywhere at any time of year. Hot and humid? Bring on the Hygee! Freezing cold? Hygee! Perfect weather? Get your Hygee on!

Hygee is  also one of those words that can be used as a verb, an adverb, a noun, you name it and that one word covers a lot of grammar. It’s an all-purpose word. I intend to use it. A lot. I’m gonna Hygee like there’s no tomorrow.

As we go forward into 2018, I’ll offer Hygge nuggets, quotes that I think will inspire you to live your best life and create your own sanctuary, whether it’s in a doublewide, a cottage, a farm or a big house on a hill. We all need a sanctuary. Let’s Hygge all through the year!



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  • christiann erkel says:

    Without realizing it, I suppose I was already practicing Hygge! (who knew!!)
    I brought out the extra throws and extra pillows (that I had tossed in a closet so my dog wouldn’t use as a tissue) , Heck, I even flipped the “on” switch to the old electric fireplace insert that I gently placed (forced) into my log burning fireplace. (That fireplace hasn’t seen a real fire since my chief log splitter/fire builder person moved away, the nerve!).. So on a particular cold and snowy day, I gathered up my grandson to pick up his big sister from kindergarten.. After putting said grandson down for a nap, I made a roaring fire (flipped the “on” switch) in the fireplace, all set to experience some one on one Hygge (watch TV and cuddle) with other said granddaughter. Then…. “Mimi ! she said.. All of these blankets and pillows, I have an idea! Can we make a boat, like the Titanic and use these?? We can move the chairs and put the blankets on top like a fort, but it’s really a boat..” Ok, so that afternoon my sanctuary, Hygge , was in the Titanic in the middle of my family room..HYGGE , everyone!

    • Crystal says:

      OMG! I laughed out loud, all by myself! What a precious story, nothing like grandkids to either make….. or break a Hygge moment. But as Hygee is about connection, I’d say you had a perfect hygee moment! You Hygee on, woman!

  • Dianne says:


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